Working at Ospelt
At Ospelt, everything is about nutrition. We place the highest demands on ourselves in terms of quality. We live up to these demands by expecting passion at every workplace, whether in production, IT, or product development. Food matters.
Ospelt employs about 1800 people at five locations. You can find current vacancies in our job portal, sorted by location and area of responsibility. Your next job may be waiting for you here.
Generations of apprentices have laid the foundations for their professional careers at Ospelt Group. We offer a wide variety of apprenticeships, providing solid training at a modern company.
Job application
Have you found a job that suits you? Do you think we would be a good fit for each other? Then you’ve come to the right place. Find everything relevant to your application here. We look forward to getting to know you.
Ospelt as an employer
Find out what distinguishes Ospelt Group as an employer and what opportunities we offer our employees.
Apprenticeships in Bendern
Food Technologist VET Diploma or Food Practitioner BA
- 3 years of training
- Raw material processing
- Food production
- Control and monitoring
- Quality assurance
Food Technologist VET Diploma or Food Practitioner BA
- 3 years of training
- Raw material processing
- Food production
- Control and monitoring
- Quality assurance
IT Specialist VET Diploma, Systems Engineering
- 4 years of training
- Systems engineering
- Business IT
- Development and programming
- Installation and configuration
IT Specialist VET Diploma, Systems Engineering
- 4 years of training
- Systems engineering
- Business IT
- Development and programming
- Installation and configuration
Business Administration VET Diploma (B & E Profile)
- 3 years of training
- Administration and organisation
- Information and communication
- Flair for language and numbers
- Multifaceted and varied
Business Administration VET Diploma (B & E Profile)
- 3 years of training
- Administration and organisation
- Information and communication
- Flair for language and numbers
- Multifaceted and varied
Apprenticeship vacancies
You can find an overview of all apprenticeship vacancies in Bendern here.
Apprenticeships in Sargans
Automation Technician Federal VET Diploma
- 4 years of training
- Control and automation
- Development and construction
- Commissioning
- Repair and documentation
Automation Technician Federal VET Diploma
- 4 years of training
- Control and automation
- Development and construction
- Commissioning
- Repair and documentation
Logistics Technician Federal VET Diploma
- 3 years of training
- Transport, distribution, and warehouse
- Inspection and documentation
- Practical understanding
Logistics Technician Federal VET Diploma
- 3 years of training
- Transport, distribution, and warehouse
- Inspection and documentation
- Practical understanding
Food Technologist Federal VET Diploma
- 3 years of training
- Raw material processing
- Food production
- Control and monitoring
- Quality assurance
Food Technologist Federal VET Diploma
- 3 years of training
- Raw material processing
- Food production
- Control and monitoring
- Quality assurance
IT Specialist Federal VET Diploma
- 4 years of training
- Systems engineering
- Business IT
- Development and programming
- Installation and configuration
IT Specialist Federal VET Diploma
- 4 years of training
- Systems engineering
- Business IT
- Development and programming
- Installation and configuration
Business Administration Federal VET Diploma
- 3 years of training
- Administration and organisation
- Information and communication
- Flair for language and numbers
- Multifaceted and varied
Business Administration Federal VET Diploma
- 3 years of training
- Administration and organisation
- Information and communication
- Flair for language and numbers
- Multifaceted and varied
Apprenticeship vacancies
You can find an overview of all apprenticeship vacancies in Sargans here.
Apprenticeships in Apolda
Apprenticeships at Ospelt in Apolda
These are our apprentices in Apolda. You can become one of them!
- Food Technology
- Mechatronics
- Warehouse Logistics
- Industrial Mechanics, specialising in Maintenance
- Industrial Business Administration
- Students
- Electronics Technicians

Video feed
Electronics Technician for Industrial Systems
Food Technology Specialist
Apprenticeship vacancies
You can find an overview of all apprenticeship vacancies in Apolda here.
Apprentices in Apolda, Food Technology

Aidil Fahmy
Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Der Wille ist der Schlüssel, der Weg nur das Schloss und der Mut nur die Klinke.

Cikal Suede
Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Das Leben wird nicht leichter, du wirst nur stärker!

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Um wirklich erfolgreich zu sein, muss man gegen sich selber antreten, nicht gegen die Anderen.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 3. Lehrjahr
Motto: Bildung ist nicht Wissen, sondern Interesse am Wissen.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Man kann Erfolg wie einen Diamant betrachten – ohne Druck und Schmerz und viel Arbeit bleibt er nur ein Haufen Kohle.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 3. Lehrjahr
Motto: Persönlichkeiten werden nicht durch schöne Reden geformt, sondern durch Arbeit und eigene Leistung.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Der Wille ist der Schlüssel, der Weg nur das Schloss und der Mut nur die Klinke.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Manchmal müssen wir das Vergangene hinter uns lassen.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Machen ist wie wollen, nur krasser!

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Lernen ist wie Rudern gegen den Strom. Sobald man aufhört, treibt man zurück.

Nissa Maisarah
Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Wenn du nichts änderst, ändert sich nichts.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Wer nicht aus Liebe zur Sache arbeitet, sondern nur des Geldes willen, der bekommt gar nichts: Weder Geld noch Glück

Ressa Puspita
Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Wer kein Ziel hat, kann auch keines erreichen.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 3. Lehrjahr
Motto: Mach einfach das, was dich glücklich macht und weiß Bescheid, dass du noch die Verantwortung trägst.

Tahnh Dai
Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Das Leben wird nicht leichter, du wirst nur stärker!

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Alle Träume können wahr werden, wenn wir den Mut haben ihnen zu folgen

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Mit jedem neuen Tag kommen neue Stärke und Gedanken.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Mit jedem neuen Tag kommen neue Stärken und neue Gedanken.
Apprentices in Apolda, Mechatronics

Beruf: Mechatroniker
Lehrjahr: 3. Lehrjahr
Motto: Wer nicht verändern will, wird auch verlieren, was er erhalten will.

Beruf: Mechatroniker
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Wir sind niemals am Ziel, sondern immer auf dem Weg.

Beruf: Mechatroniker
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Manchmal, wenn man einen Kampf verliert, findet man dadurch einen neuen Weg um den Krieg zu gewinnen.

Beruf: Mechatroniker
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Um wirklich erfolgreich zu sein, muss man gegen sich selber antreten, nicht gegen die Anderen.

Beruf: Mechatroniker
Lehrjahr: 3. Lehrjahr
Motto: Wenn man alles berechnet, gelingt nichts.

Beruf: Mechatroniker
Lehrjahr: 3. Lehrjahr
Motto: Wenn alles nicht so läuft, wie du denkst, dann denke anders.

Beruf: Mechatroniker
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Manchmal, wenn man einen Kampf verliert, findet man dadurch einen neuen Weg um den Krieg zu gewinnen.

Beruf: Mechatroniker
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Wir sind niemals am Ziel, sondern immer auf dem Weg.
Apprentices in Apolda, Warehouse Logistics

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Leben passiert, wenn du dich auf den Weg machst.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik
Lehrjahr: 3. Lehrjahr
Motto: Wer das Ziel nicht kennt, wird den Weg nicht finden.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Beginne jeden Tag, als wäre es Absicht.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik
Lehrjahr: 3. Lehrjahr
Motto: Für das Können gibt es nur einen Beweis – das Tun!

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Motivier dich selbst – sonst macht´s ja keiner.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik
Lehrjahr: 3. Lehrjahr
Motto: Suche nicht nach Fehlern, sondern nach der Lösung.

Leon Elias
Beruf: Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Der Weg ist das Ziel!

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Neue Erfahrungen sind immer schwer, aber sie sind Schweiß wert.

Beruf: Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik
Lehrjahr: 3. Lehrjahr
Motto: Suche nicht nach Fehlern, sondern nach Lösungen.
Aktuell beschäftigen wir keine Lernenden Industriemechaniker Fachrichtung Instandhaltung am Standort Apolda.
Apprentices in Apolda, Industrial Business Administration

Beruf: Industriekauffrau
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Das Leben wird nicht leichter, du wirst nur stärker!
Aktuell beschäftigen wir keine Studenten am Standort Apolda.
Apprentices in Apolda, Electronics Technicians for Industrial Systems

Beruf: Elektronikerin
Lehrjahr: 3. Lehrjahr
Motto: Ich weiß nicht, wohin Gott mich führt, aber ich weiß, dass er mich führt.

Beruf: Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Das Leben wird nicht leichter, du wirst nur stärker!

Beruf: Elektroniker
Lehrjahr: 2. Lehrjahr
Motto: Beginne jeden Tag, als wäre es Absicht!

Beruf: Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik
Lehrjahr: 1. Lehrjahr
Motto: Wenn du nichts änderst, ändert sich nichts.
Apply directly online for your future job. You will find the corresponding link in the job portal.
Please include the following documents with your application:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum vitae with photograph in Liechtenstein & Switzerland, without photograph in Germany
- Job references
- Certificates and internship references
For traineeships and apprenticeships, please also include:
- School reports
- Stellwerk (only Liechtenstein & Switzerland, if available)
For reasons of data protection and to speed up processing, we can only consider applications that are received via our application tool for the advertised positions.
Application process
Have you applied for a job at Ospelt? These are the next steps:
- Receipt of your online application
- Review of your documents by HR management
- If your application materials are complete, we will start the selection process and forward the application to the specialist department in question. If we are interested in an initial interview, we will contact you to arrange an appointment.
- During the first interview, a representative from the specialist department and an HR manager will be present. We will introduce you to Ospelt and our values, present details of the advertised position, and get to know you better.
- If a second interview is held, we will provide you with deeper insight into the area of responsibility and the field of work for which you have applied. The next higher supervisor for the vacant position may be present.
- If you are hired, your direct supervisor will inform you of the decision, and your HR manager will send you the contract.
We wish you much success!
The process for any given application may require fewer, more, or different steps – but we are always transparent.
Location in Bendern
Herbert Ospelt Anstalt
Schaanerstrasse 79
FL-9487 Bendern
+41 58 377 10 00
Location in Sargans
Ospelt food AG
Tiefrietstrasse 7
CH-7320 Sargans
+41 58 377 30 00
Location in Geroldswil
Panetta SA
Steinhaldenstraasse 14
CH-8954 Geroldswil
Location in Apolda
Ospelt Petfood Anstalt
Liechtensteiner Strasse 5
D-99510 Apolda
Ospelt food Establishment
Über dem Dieterstedter Bache 14
D-99510 Apolda
With a login, you can directly enter and manage applications for a suitable position.
You will receive the login for the Ospelt job portal after signing our terms and conditions.
Please note that signing our terms and conditions once is also valid for all future applications. In the case of recruitments, we accept applications only if they are uploaded to our careers page for a current vacancy. Please do not send applications directly to the HR managers or supervisors.
As soon as we have checked your application, you will receive the login access data.

Top SME Employer 2021 named us a Top SME Employer 2021. is the leading online job exchange for SMEs in the German-speaking world.

We train –
As an official apprenticeship company of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), we are committed to laying a foundation for apprentices’ careers.

Equal pay
We are committed to equal pay and have been certified for that purpose.
Apply directly online for your future job. You will find the corresponding link in the job portal.
Please include the following documents with your application:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum vitae with photograph in Liechtenstein & Switzerland, without photograph in Germany
- Job references
- Certificates and internship references
For traineeships and apprenticeships, please also include:
- School reports
- Stellwerk (only Liechtenstein & Switzerland, if available)
For reasons of data protection and to speed up processing, we can only consider applications that are received via our application tool for the advertised positions.
Application process
Have you applied for a job at Ospelt? These are the next steps:
- Receipt of your online application
- Review of your documents by HR management
- If your application materials are complete, we will start the selection process and forward the application to the specialist department in question. If we are interested in an initial interview, we will contact you to arrange an appointment.
- During the first interview, a representative from the specialist department and an HR manager will be present. We will introduce you to Ospelt and our values, present details of the advertised position, and get to know you better.
- If a second interview is held, we will provide you with deeper insight into the area of responsibility and the field of work for which you have applied. The next higher supervisor for the vacant position may be present.
- If you are hired, your direct supervisor will inform you of the decision, and your HR manager will send you the contract.
We wish you much success!
The process for any given application may require fewer, more, or different steps – but we are always transparent.
Location in Bendern
Herbert Ospelt Anstalt
Schaanerstrasse 79
FL-9487 Bendern
+41 58 377 10 00
Location in Sargans
Ospelt food AG
Tiefrietstrasse 7
CH-7320 Sargans
+41 58 377 30 00
Location in Geroldswil
Panetta SA
Steinhaldenstraasse 14
CH-8954 Geroldswil
Location in Apolda
Ospelt Petfood Anstalt
Liechtensteiner Strasse 5
D-99510 Apolda
Ospelt food Establishment
Über dem Dieterstedter Bache 14
D-99510 Apolda
With a login, you can directly enter and manage applications for a suitable position.
You will receive the login for the Ospelt job portal after signing our terms and conditions.
Please note that signing our terms and conditions once is also valid for all future applications. In the case of recruitments, we accept applications only if they are uploaded to our careers page for a current vacancy. Please do not send applications directly to the HR managers or supervisors.
As soon as we have checked your application, you will receive the login access data.

Top SME Employer 2021 named us a Top SME Employer 2021. is the leading online job exchange for SMEs in the German-speaking world.

We train –
As an official apprenticeship company of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), we are committed to laying a foundation for apprentices’ careers.

Equal pay
We are committed to equal pay and have been certified for that purpose.
Ospelt as an employer
At our five locations, Ospelt employs a large number of people from different countries, cultural backgrounds, and education levels. Despite the great differences, we are one big family. Knowing that we can only achieve our goals together, we are committed to our employees every day.
Commitment to our employees
We employ people with general vocational training, food specialists (food technologists, food practitioners, process engineers, etc.) as well as unskilled workers. Our administration is staffed by proven specialists in IT, logistics, HR, purchasing, finance, marketing, and other areas.
We challenge and encourage motivated employees on the job and offer exciting continuing training options.
We promote a climate of openness and mutual respect. New employees are familiarised with the guiding principles for a good working environment together.
In Liechtenstein, Ospelt is subject to the collective bargaining agreement for the metal and non-metal industry of the Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LIHK) and the Liechtenstein Employees’ Association (LANV).
Our principles
We are open-minded when it comes to people, viewpoints and developments.
We conduct ourselves in a fair and committed manner.
Our actions are determined by our pursuit of optimal quality.
We exercise the utmost diligence when handling foodstuffs.
Our creations are influenced by our considerable responsibility towards the rest of society.
At our five locations, Ospelt employs a large number of people from different countries, cultural backgrounds, and education levels. Despite the great differences, we are one big family. Knowing that we can only achieve our goals together, we are committed to our employees every day.
Commitment to our employees
We employ people with general vocational training, food specialists (food technologists, food practitioners, process engineers, etc.) as well as unskilled workers. Our administration is staffed by proven specialists in IT, logistics, HR, purchasing, finance, marketing, and other areas.
We challenge and encourage motivated employees on the job and offer exciting continuing training options.
We promote a climate of openness and mutual respect. New employees are familiarised with the guiding principles for a good working environment together.
In Liechtenstein, Ospelt is subject to the collective bargaining agreement for the metal and non-metal industry of the Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LIHK) and the Liechtenstein Employees’ Association (LANV).
Our principles
We are open-minded when it comes to people, viewpoints and developments.
We conduct ourselves in a fair and committed manner.
Our actions are determined by our pursuit of optimal quality.
We exercise the utmost diligence when handling foodstuffs.
Our creations are influenced by our considerable responsibility towards the rest of society.
Herbert Ospelt Anstalt | Schaanerstrasse 79 | FL-9487 Bendern
Tel +41 58 377 10 00 | Fax +41 58 377 14 00 |